1000 marchers, Rousing speeches and a breakaway group of about 160 people marching onto the historic Blair Mountain battlefield that is permitted to be destroyed by surface mining ended a five-day-long trek through repeated coal industry obstacles.
“The lingering feeling from the march is of stronger unity being built in southern West Virginian communities, between impacted residents and environmentalists, in the aim to save Blair Mountain, abolish strip mining and build a healthier, more diverse economy in its place,” said Junior Walk.
Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to march or support the marchers in making this happen.
Many videos, audio recordings and photos are up on the March on Blair Mountain website.
This was an amazing event, now the fight continues!
while the march was happening …
A PETITION TO DESIGNATE THE BLAIR MOUNTAIN BATTLEFIELD AS UNSUITABLE FOR SURFACE COAL MINING has been filed with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection.
The Petition seeks to designate as unsuitable approximately 1668 acres along the crest of Spruce Fork Ridge in Logan County, WV. Send Comments VIA E-MAIL to: [email protected] and Randy.C.Huffman @wv.gov