The first two images are meant to be front and back of a single flier. We apologize they’re not put together. Someone has put them together in one PDF, which is here.

One side of flier

Other side of flier
check out the promos and share them!
To all you helpful people out there: We still have some loose ends to tie and some important roles to be filled!
For one, we still need a lot of gear for this mobilization. The more of it we get as donations, the less we will have to buy new! Check out our list of Gear Needs.
We need volunteers to:
hold gear drives (see above list)
phone bank — contact [email protected]
organize rides in your area — contact [email protected]
organize fundraisers in your area — contact [email protected]
rent cars (over 25? have a credit card?)– contact [email protected]
be a driver for the mobilization — contact [email protected]
We also need people with special skills and experience to be:
Police liasons
Conflict mediators
Transportation coordination
Leaders of trainings in
–Non-violent direct action
–Legal briefings
–De-escalation, etc.
If you have skills in any of these areas, email [email protected] so we can work on plugging you in!